GTA 4 Cheats

By OMGmode Software Inc.

PC cheats on Grand Theft Auto III: 10th Anniversary Edition for ANDROID!

Everything you need is application called Game Keyboard - link bellow -

How to setup:

General Game Play Cheat:
boooooring - speed up game play
gesundheit - full health
ifiwerearichman - more money
ilikedressingup - change clothes
ilikescotland - cloudy weather
ilovescotland - rain
itsallgoingmaad - crazy pedstrians
madweather - speedy game clock
morepoliceplease - level up
nastylimbscheat - more violence/gore
nobodylikesme - pedestrians attack
nopoliceplease - level down
peasoup - fog
skincancerforme - sunny weather
timeflieswhenyou - speed up game
tortoise - armor

Weapon Cheats:
gunsgunsguns - all weapons
weaponsforall - pedestrians fight

Vehicle Cheats:
anicesetofwheels - invisible car
bangbangbang - destroy cars around you
chittychittybb - flying car
cornerslikemad - better handling car
giveusatank - tank appears

Includes: Cheats, Tips, Unlockables and Achievements for Grand Theft Auto IV.
*This app is unofficial, please read Disclaimer at bottom of
50 - 100
14 years ago
Program was removed from android market