Flashlight LED - zaphrox

By zaphrox

Overview: Flashlight for your device! Incredibly simple and yet very useful flashlight application. Will use your device's camera LED as a torch. Requirements: Android 2.1+ Flashlight for your device! Incredibly simple and yet very useful flashlight application. Will use your device's camera LED as a torch. Tiny Flashlight is currently the best led flashlight app on the Android Market, because: It supports the widest range of devices with camera led (flash) It's also the brightest flashlight / torch on the market, because the camera led emits very intense light in the dark. Has different widgets to choose from Has great and diverse screen lights Includes a color light Has the best support
A simple app that enables you to use the cameras L.E.D. light, on some devices even two brightness levels.

Not all devices are
100k - 500k
13 years ago