Effective Striking


Download Effective Striking the app now for Android and Apple products!!!
Apple: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/effective-striking/id464900990?mt=8
Android: https://market.android.com/details?id=air.com.GMMAW.EffectiveStriking&fea...
This application will instruct the viewer how to strike effectively. You will learn the contact point, target, and trajectory for each technique and the importance of speed, stance, and power. Five techniques are featured. Reverse punch: this is a short-range attack with devastating effectiveness when applied properly. Ridge hand: an open handed strike utilizing a unique contact point that applies concentrated power. The soo-do strike, or "knife-hand," likely, the most famous Martial Arts strike. The Back fist: a lighting-fast strike with unexpected power and results. Finally, you will learn how to perform a head strike: a unique and devastating close-quarter strike with an element of surprise equal to it's effectiveness.
This application will instruct the viewer how to strike effectively. You will learn the contact point, target, and trajectory for each technique and
5 - 10
13 years ago