Easy Russian Language Learning

By Pin Drop Apps

Communicate with millions of Russian speakers in the United States or prepare for a trip abroad. The primary language of Eastern Europe is as exotic as its people. While the region has many languages, the linguistic legacy of the Soviet era remains. For tourists this means learning Russian can truly open doors to new experiences and people. The countries of Eastern Europe offer what France or Germany did a generation ago: Good food, less crowded attractions and welcoming people. Since English ability is limited among much of the people in this part of the world, it helps to learn a little Russian. Easy Russian introduces the top 200 most commonly used words in 5 categories. Communicate in bars and restaurants, with host families, on the train or try a few words in Russian slang.
This is a 5-in-1 Russian language learning tool for free. Easy Russian has a dictionary search, categorized travel words and phrases for men and
10k - 50k
11 years ago