Dumb - Tapping Game

By StemBrainSoftware

The dumb application is just that, a dumb application. Once you start the application, you have a brick wall that you must get through by tapping on the screen. The more you tap, the more the wall vibrates, the more points you earn and eventually you break through to the trophy. Your mission is to earn as many trophies as you can. Along the way, you are rewarded with more seconds in which to tap allowing you to earn more points. Also, the first time you beat the high score by more then five points, the accelerator is activated earning two points for each tap. If you win 20 trophies, the accelerator is bumped up to 3 and 1 more for every 20 trophies up to 100. Once you get 100 trophies, the accelerator is set to the maximum of 10 points per tap. It will be fun competing against your yourself and your friends.

Remember to tell your friends about the DUMB application!

Brick Image: Sayan Samana / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Trophy Image: Suat Eman / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
The dumb application is just that, a dumb application. Its for everyone that just loves to tap on their touch screen! Hours of enjoyment and
1 - 5
14 years ago