Draw On It

By Murry Electronics

Blog Article: http://www.sleeplessninja.com/?p=414

I am not sure how I missed this application. This is absolutely the PDF application that has almost everything I could want and more. With the tools to annotate, highlight, and draw I finally have the means to read my PDFs and really utilize the Reader as I would on my Mac but in a more natural hands on way. It doesn't end here though. With the full screen PDF viewer I can deliver Presentations in PDF format and even draw on my presentations. This is not perfect, however its a very welcome addition and something I will be taking advantage of. For only .99 cents this applications is really a dream come true. Please check this app out, please comment on it and let the devs know Sleepless sent you.
This drawing app is a mix of fun and function. You can choose different colors, backgrounds, line sizes and other options to draw and save pictures
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13 years ago