Dragonfly Live Wallpaper

By kazuchiapps


If you would like to generate a Live Wallpaper (Funny movie) on Android mobile, you don't need to know any programming skills, you can do it by yourselves in WYSIWYG.

Download Red Dragonfly from Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vtmmobile.lwp.app98&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS52dG1tb2JpbGUubHdwLmFwcDk4Il0

Check http://premiere-asp.com (only support Japanese language at this time), subscription fee is around 900 US$/month. It worths to use since you can re-sell your output to end-users. Check this movie to see how easy to make it: http://youtu.be/Jo_1BUt19Cs

Check http://www.vtm-vn.com for our best-in-class software development service.
Dragonfly Live Wallpaper!
Realistic Dragonflies(and damselflies) fly around In your screen.

Main features:
・ 55 Dragonfly species.And you can select
50 - 100
11 years ago