DevLearn 10 Conference App
Official DevLearn Conference mobile event app for iPhone, Android, and BlackBerry. Based on ATIV's latest release of EventPilot version 3.0. New features include a dynamic NOW view displaying organizer alerts, upcoming sessions, scheduled items and Twitter feeds.
DevLearn is the leading North American conference and expo for learning professionals who are involved in the design, development, or management of e-Learning. DevLearn offers over a hundred sessions covering the latest e-Learning tools, technologies, and strategies.
DevLearn is the leading North American conference and expo for learning professionals who are involved in the design, development, or management of e-Learning. DevLearn offers over a hundred sessions covering the latest e-Learning tools, technologies, and strategies.
Conference program for DevLearn 2010 based on the mobile platform EventPilot 3.0 with dynamic Now, program, speakers, expo, slides, notes, maps
100 - 500
14 years ago
Program was removed from android market