Crayon Doodle

By gracesoft

this is the promote video of the android market app 'Crayon Doodle'.

Crayon Doodle is the best doodle software in the google market! This software is designed with cute user interface, It can asily make cute/good

looking/pro paintings on your android phone and you can share the paintings or replays easily. Suitable for both men and women, old and young~

- doodles of course!
- replay the process of your doodle
- share the replay on youtube as video!
- share your painting on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Plurk, and any other social networks
- set your mastar piece as wallpaper
- save the replay files, and we provide a server for uploading your doodles(uploading only on paid version)
- download painting replays on server and play it.
- edit a photo or a picture on your phone, or use a photo/picture as a mask so you can limn a good painting easily.
- the brush is pressure sensitive! so you can paint like using a professional tablet! e.g. you can draw a hair with different thickness by

change the pressure of your finger.
- we provide a variety of paintbrushes and carefully selected color palette
- other convenient user experiences as clear the picture by shaking your phone...

you can search 'Crayon Doodle' on google market and get it for free!
Crayon Doodle is the best doodle software in the google market! It can easily make cute paintings on your android phone and you can share the
100 - 500
13 years ago