Cola Live Wallpaper
By AdInfinitum
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David Erickson of the eStrategy Internet Marketing Blog demonstrates Coca-Cola's Live Wallpaper app on his Droid X smart phone. The Coca-Cola Live Wallpaper app is part of the company's integrated "Open Happiness" campaign.
Follow David on Twitter at http://twitter.com/derickson
Work with David & his employer, Tunheim Partners: http://tunheim.com/
David Erickson of the eStrategy Internet Marketing Blog demonstrates Coca-Cola's Live Wallpaper app on his Droid X smart phone. The Coca-Cola Live Wallpaper app is part of the company's integrated "Open Happiness" campaign.
Follow David on Twitter at http://twitter.com/derickson
Work with David & his employer, Tunheim Partners: http://tunheim.com/
AdInfinitum offers you infinite Cola for free!
Bubbles and surface reacts to your phones orientation. If you are running out of Cola, simply fill it
Bubbles and surface reacts to your phones orientation. If you are running out of Cola, simply fill it