Club Penguin Book Codes
Click on link to see the items i have unlocked : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUx5Q332xsg
Clubpenguin Treasure Book : http://www.clubpenguin.com/toys/treas...
were to buy toys from in the UK :
Disney Store :http://www.disneystore.co.uk/club-penguin/toys/c/304201/
The official club penguin site : http://www.clubpenguin.com/toys/
1.buy a club penguin toy that has the blue unlock items online logo on ( lf u live in the uk there is a offer on in the Disney store and online they cost £8.00 for
H18xW16cm approx penguin Plush toys .)
2.go to www.clubpenguin.com and click on the unlock items button on the top right of the screen
3.Log-in with your Penguin Name and Password
4. if you are using a coin click on i have a code if you are using a book click on i have a book
5.enter your code
6.after you have enter the code you can pick the item you want from the treasure book make sure to unlock all the items that you get with your code before you click done.
7.Once you are finished, click Play Now! Select your server put your cloths on and show off to your friends
Clubpenguin Treasure Book : http://www.clubpenguin.com/toys/treas...
were to buy toys from in the UK :
Disney Store :http://www.disneystore.co.uk/club-penguin/toys/c/304201/
The official club penguin site : http://www.clubpenguin.com/toys/
1.buy a club penguin toy that has the blue unlock items online logo on ( lf u live in the uk there is a offer on in the Disney store and online they cost £8.00 for
H18xW16cm approx penguin Plush toys .)
2.go to www.clubpenguin.com and click on the unlock items button on the top right of the screen
3.Log-in with your Penguin Name and Password
4. if you are using a coin click on i have a code if you are using a book click on i have a book
5.enter your code
6.after you have enter the code you can pick the item you want from the treasure book make sure to unlock all the items that you get with your code before you click done.
7.Once you are finished, click Play Now! Select your server put your cloths on and show off to your friends
Hello Penguin ! In this app you will find all the book codes you need ! As new books come in the world of Club Penguin new books will also be updated
12 years ago
Program was removed from android market