
By Jesta Digital

Market Android Url:

Wind up your device!

The chronograph live wallpaper will take you back in time, and turn your phone into a clockwork device,
working on mechanical gear only. And if you thought that was cool, wait till you hear that it will also give you a chance to see how this clockwork phone actually works -- by not covering the mechanical gear, and leaving the different sized spinning wheels visible in the background of your device!

After the download you don't need internet connection to enjoy the application. This application will not download videos from the internet. Download once and enjoy for ever. This fre app is ad supported and may contain ads in the notification tray and/or home screen

Once you have downloaded this live wallpaper the icon will not appear in your homescreen. To activate the application and access the settings, tap on the "Menu" button, select "Wallpapers", then select "Live Wallpapers". Scroll down to the live wallpaper icon and press "select wallpaper" to activate the application.

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A cool chronograph that gives you all important information at a glance.

Please mind that not all Android devices support Live
10 - 50
12 years ago