Christmas 3D Free LWP Beta
By MaMe82
This Android LiveWallpaper is free,
because I wasn't able to finish it before christmas and
so I give it away in its current state for free.
This means:
real 3D Landscape
realtime snow particles
high detail graphic shaders
realtime smoke particles
realtime reflections on frozen water
bump mapped models
- illumination isn't done ready (street lamps, windows)
- loading textures takes 30 seconds on SGS 2 (black screen till that)
- drains battery due to missing code optimizations
- needs a realy fast device (only tested on Galaxy S 2 so far)
This Android LiveWallpaper is free,
because I wasn't able to finish it before christmas and
so I give it away in its current state for free.
This means:
real 3D Landscape
realtime snow particles
high detail graphic shaders
realtime smoke particles
realtime reflections on frozen water
bump mapped models
- illumination isn't done ready (street lamps, windows)
- loading textures takes 30 seconds on SGS 2 (black screen till that)
- drains battery due to missing code optimizations
- needs a realy fast device (only tested on Galaxy S 2 so far)
Why this Wallpaper is free?
Because I wasn't able to finish it before christmas and
so I give it away in its current state for free.
Because I wasn't able to finish it before christmas and
so I give it away in its current state for free.