Children's FiQh

By Unreal Android

As-salaamu alaykum, we here at The F.I.K.S. are excited to present to you, Children's FiQh. Now available on all Android Mobile Devices, walHamdulillaah. Please search your App Store for "FiQh". Children's FiQh coming to Apple Mobile Devices soon, insha'Allaah. May Allaah allow us all to benefit immensely from these series of poems designed to teach FiQh, ameen.

Children's FiQh...

"Finally A Book Thats Not Too THICK in Children's FiQh, So We Can Teach And Make It STICK!"

Children's FiQh is a poem designed to teach children everything they need to know about Basic FiQh ( Islaamic Law ). It has been designed to assist the mind in memorizing and retrieving as necessary. While the poems are rhythmic, they are music free and has its basis from the Qur-aan and Authentic Sunnah, walHamdulillaah.

With 18 poems which tackle and identify issues such as
:Tahaarah ( Wudoo' )
:Both Obligatory & Voluntary Prayers ( as-Salaat )
:Siyam and RamaDaan
:Conditions of Repentance ( at-Taubah )
and many other subject matters that will lead, insha'Allaah, a child into a state of being a MuKallafoon ( becoming Accountable for their own action with Allaah ).

We make du'aa that everyone one of us will benefit immensely from these series of poems, ameen.

From everyone at " My School " MaSalaama
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Children's FiQh...

"Finally A Book
100 - 500
14 years ago