Chaos Kitchen ADW Theme
Chaos Kitchen 3D Live Wallpapers Theme
3D Launcher
귀엽고 인터랙티브한 3D 홈 테마 / 월페이퍼 / 배경화면
강아지와 고양이가 싸우며 난장판으로 어지럽혀진 부엌의 컨셉으로 부엌 공간에서 여러 물체들이 둥둥 떠다니는 느낌의 이미지를 풀어낸 테마 및 라이브 배경화면입니다. 또한 자이로센서의 활용을 통해 최고의 공간감(3D)을 통한 재미를 제공합니다.
An interactive & cute 3D home theme / live wallpaper with animation
This theme illustrates a classic cat and dog fight...with 3D effects! Here we see items dispersed all over the screen and stopped in mid-air. A gyro sensor is applied so you can have fun with this theme and watch it react to the way you hold your phone. You will really get a kick out of the illusion the theme creates through 3D and space aspects.
You'll find a whole new world that surpasses the 2D Go Launcher or any other 3D android launcher out there!
래빗월드 http://j.mp/launcher_rabbit
래빗방 http://j.mp/launcher_room
빨간망토 http://j.mp/launcher_red
오로라 http://j.mp/launcher_purple
꿈속불빛 http://j.mp/launcher_dream
전자회로 http://j.mp/launcher_circuit
래빗유닉 http://j.mp/launcher_unique
난장부엌 http://j.mp/launcher_kitchen
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3D Launcher
귀엽고 인터랙티브한 3D 홈 테마 / 월페이퍼 / 배경화면
강아지와 고양이가 싸우며 난장판으로 어지럽혀진 부엌의 컨셉으로 부엌 공간에서 여러 물체들이 둥둥 떠다니는 느낌의 이미지를 풀어낸 테마 및 라이브 배경화면입니다. 또한 자이로센서의 활용을 통해 최고의 공간감(3D)을 통한 재미를 제공합니다.
An interactive & cute 3D home theme / live wallpaper with animation
This theme illustrates a classic cat and dog fight...with 3D effects! Here we see items dispersed all over the screen and stopped in mid-air. A gyro sensor is applied so you can have fun with this theme and watch it react to the way you hold your phone. You will really get a kick out of the illusion the theme creates through 3D and space aspects.
You'll find a whole new world that surpasses the 2D Go Launcher or any other 3D android launcher out there!
래빗월드 http://j.mp/launcher_rabbit
래빗방 http://j.mp/launcher_room
빨간망토 http://j.mp/launcher_red
오로라 http://j.mp/launcher_purple
꿈속불빛 http://j.mp/launcher_dream
전자회로 http://j.mp/launcher_circuit
래빗유닉 http://j.mp/launcher_unique
난장부엌 http://j.mp/launcher_kitchen
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Chaos Kitchen ADW Theme
World to Android users the most loved and best launcher.
An interactive & cure 3D home theme /
World to Android users the most loved and best launcher.
An interactive & cure 3D home theme /
1 - 5
12 years ago
Program was removed from android market