Bluetooth remote control

By Le Dinh

This is the second revision of a Bluetooth remote control treaded chassis using a Nokia E75 smartphone with xyz accelerometers for control. Pulse-width modulation is incorporated to enable independent speed variation of each motor.

Major components include the $45 RN-41-SM Bluetooth module (available at, Atmel ATtiny2313 AVR Microcontroller, L298N H-bridge, and a voltage booster (available at Treaded chassis is a Tamiya kit which is cheap and not great quality. Total cost is around $110.

Code for the microcontroller / smartphone and schematic are available at in the folder named 'Bluetooth Remote Control Tank'. This is the PWM revision which is a bit more complicated than the non-PWM version so you may feel more comfortable digesting the non-PWM code first.

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This app allows you to remote control bluetooth devices.
Connect to a RFCOMM channel directly or look for services(SDP).
It uses Hayes AT command
50k - 100k
11 years ago