Binaural Beats

By serulia

*Must listen with headphones* The fastest documented brainwave frequency range is that of Gamma Brain Waves -- which oscillate within the range of 40 Hz to 70 Hz.

Beta Brain Waves are considered to be among the fastest brainwave frequencies and are documented as brain waves within the frequency range of 12 Hz -- 38 Hz (or 12 to 38 cycles per second).

Benefits of Beta and Gamma:

- increased ability to focus on our external reality
- increase I.Q.
- increase productivity
- experience more motivation
- think rapidly and quickly
- come up with logical solutions to problems
- ideal for solving math problems,
- conducting research,
- reading books,
- and writing articles
- more socially outgoing
- have feelings of excitement and energy while talking to someone else
- be able to have more energy
- having high levels of intelligence
- being compassionate
- having high amounts of self-control
- feelings of natural happiness
- making smells more powerful
- increasing your visual acuity
- sharpening your hearing
- making foods taste better
- improve short and long term memory

Listen with headphones.

Song: Mediation & Yoga - Deuter - Osho - Buddhist - Kundalini Meditation First Stage - Oriental Music Relax

For more information regarding brainwave entrainment, visit:

To download fixed-pitched binaural beats, visit:
First discovered in 1839, binaural beats therapy has been claimed to simulate the effect of recreational drugs or "digital highs", aid in
10 - 50
13 years ago