This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
Mama Thelma and her babies can be seen off in the distance. They are doing well. The bees need more space! My bees from last year were all suffocated by the blizzard snow in Jan 2012. We had 1 - 3 feet of snow which blocked their airflow. It was a surprise blizzard so we had no warning or time to prepare :(
Mama Thelma and her babies can be seen off in the distance. They are doing well. The bees need more space! My bees from last year were all suffocated by the blizzard snow in Jan 2012. We had 1 - 3 feet of snow which blocked their airflow. It was a surprise blizzard so we had no warning or time to prepare :(
The Bee Keeping app is the ultimate android app for everything related to beekeeping.
The Beekeeping app contains a huge amount of useful
The Beekeeping app contains a huge amount of useful