BI Tech
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In todays video:
A video is leaked for the Nokia See ray smartphone. This is basically the Nokia N9 running Windows phone 7. This is a big leap forward for the company who up to now only use Symbian operating sytem.
Details have leaked from Apple about a cheaper iPhone to be launched along side the iPhone 5 this fall. The iPhone nano , as I am calling it. Should compete with the cheaper android Phones that have been taking the market by storm.
And the HTC glamour aka the HTC bliss , a smartphone aimed at woman and girls, this phone comes in a wide array of girly colors and new photos have leaked over the weekend.
All this in under two minuites. If you like Bitesize tech please subscribe as it now a bi weekly show here on LMT.
Leaked phones
Apple iPhone 5 Leak
Nokia Winodws phone 7 leaked footage
HTC android Leak HTC glamour girls phone.
In todays video:
A video is leaked for the Nokia See ray smartphone. This is basically the Nokia N9 running Windows phone 7. This is a big leap forward for the company who up to now only use Symbian operating sytem.
Details have leaked from Apple about a cheaper iPhone to be launched along side the iPhone 5 this fall. The iPhone nano , as I am calling it. Should compete with the cheaper android Phones that have been taking the market by storm.
And the HTC glamour aka the HTC bliss , a smartphone aimed at woman and girls, this phone comes in a wide array of girly colors and new photos have leaked over the weekend.
All this in under two minuites. If you like Bitesize tech please subscribe as it now a bi weekly show here on LMT.
Leaked phones
Apple iPhone 5 Leak
Nokia Winodws phone 7 leaked footage
HTC android Leak HTC glamour girls phone.
Multimedia Presentation: Information and development of Multimedia presentation on flash and video platform
10 - 50
13 years ago
Program was removed from android market