BEST Diamond Livewallpaper
By TapaniLab
Diamonds livewallpaper is a high class animated diamond wallpaper
Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend
Diamonds live wallpaper is a high class animated diamond wallpaper for your Android smartphone device. Enjoy the magical effect of the interactive diamond live wallpaper with natural motion.
Move the diamonds you by your handy screwdriver ( gavitation )
or use your fingers ( touch a diamond )
These options are available:
★ Diamonds count (1 till 33 diamonds)
★ Diamond size (4 sizes)
★ Background (3 themed backgounds)
★ Glitter (choose between none, some and many glitter)
Diamond is one of the two best known forms (or allotropes) of carbon, whose hardness and high dispersion of light makes it useful for industrial applications and jewelery. The other equally well known allotrope is graphite;but diamonds are specifically renowned as a mineral with superlative physical qualities. They make excellent abrasives because they can only be scratched by other diamonds, which also means they hold a polish extremely well and retain luster. Diamond dash ...
Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend
Diamonds live wallpaper is a high class animated diamond wallpaper for your Android smartphone device. Enjoy the magical effect of the interactive diamond live wallpaper with natural motion.
Move the diamonds you by your handy screwdriver ( gavitation )
or use your fingers ( touch a diamond )
These options are available:
★ Diamonds count (1 till 33 diamonds)
★ Diamond size (4 sizes)
★ Background (3 themed backgounds)
★ Glitter (choose between none, some and many glitter)
Diamond is one of the two best known forms (or allotropes) of carbon, whose hardness and high dispersion of light makes it useful for industrial applications and jewelery. The other equally well known allotrope is graphite;but diamonds are specifically renowned as a mineral with superlative physical qualities. They make excellent abrasives because they can only be scratched by other diamonds, which also means they hold a polish extremely well and retain luster. Diamond dash ...
Diamonds live wallpaper is a high class interactive animated diamond wallpaper for your Android smartphone device.
Diamonds live wallpaper is a high class interactive animated diamond wallpaper for your Android smartphone device.
100 - 500
13 years ago
Program was removed from android market