Android News
By idevel
Download it free from: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=idevel.anews.go
★ This application consolidates news and information regarding Google Android from multiple sources including the Google Android developers blog, Gizmodo, YouTube, Engadget and many more.
✓ Tech sites sources: Engadget, AndroidCentral, TheVerge, Ubergizmo, Gizmodo, Techcrunch, Androidandme, Android-Apps, AndroidPolice, DroidGamers, Droid-life, AndroidPipe, GsmDome, Stackoverflow.
Disclaimer: This app is not affiliated nor related with any of the blogs and sites
★ This application consolidates news and information regarding Google Android from multiple sources including the Google Android developers blog, Gizmodo, YouTube, Engadget and many more.
✓ Tech sites sources: Engadget, AndroidCentral, TheVerge, Ubergizmo, Gizmodo, Techcrunch, Androidandme, Android-Apps, AndroidPolice, DroidGamers, Droid-life, AndroidPipe, GsmDome, Stackoverflow.
Disclaimer: This app is not affiliated nor related with any of the blogs and sites
★ This application consolidates news and information regarding Android OS from multiple sources including tech blogs or sites.
✓ Tech sites sources:
✓ Tech sites sources:
1k - 5k
12 years ago
Program was removed from android market