ABC Mysteriez: Hidden Letters
By Disney
Free download for iPhone/iPad and Android: http://absolutist.com/iphone/mysteriez-abc/?ref=youtube&v=h6zREZq-mO0
Download from the AppStore: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/abc-mysteriez-hidden-letters/id453428792?l=ru&...
Welcome to the amazing world of ABC Mysteriez: Hidden Letters, a hidden object game. The game is available on Kindle Fire and compatible with following mobile phones: Samsung, HTC, Motorola.
This time hidden objects are letters of English alphabet. Streets, stations, mystery castles and a great number of other spectacular locations make exploring fun and amusing. No additional rules and boring crossword descriptions, no language knowledge is requited, just letters!
Download from the AppStore: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/abc-mysteriez-hidden-letters/id453428792?l=ru&...
Welcome to the amazing world of ABC Mysteriez: Hidden Letters, a hidden object game. The game is available on Kindle Fire and compatible with following mobile phones: Samsung, HTC, Motorola.
This time hidden objects are letters of English alphabet. Streets, stations, mystery castles and a great number of other spectacular locations make exploring fun and amusing. No additional rules and boring crossword descriptions, no language knowledge is requited, just letters!
Solve the Mysterious case of Hidden Letters on adventure in time and space.
ABC Mysteriez is a free hidden object game, where hidden objects are
ABC Mysteriez is a free hidden object game, where hidden objects are
50k - 100k
13 years ago
Program was removed from android market