
By Adam Asar

Available at: http://www.fastcardtech.com
Come visit: http://www.chinamobiles.org

The BEST forum when it comes to all sorts of Chinese and Non-Chinese phones. We discuss all sorts of clones , the ciphone , sciphone, i9 , kiphone , pinphone , all 3GS phones , apad , ePad , cube, teclast, bmorn, onda, android phones , i68 , smart phones , dualsim phones , cect phones , windows mobile, airphone, google phones. Other models like Meizu M8, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Galaxy , i9000, i9100, Arc, Meizu M9, HTC and of course the Apple iPhone 3G 4 4s are welcome, too. Firmware flashing , android , fw modding , MMS , GPS , GPRS , WAP , WLAN , WIFI , UMTS , internet settings and setups are also just some of the concerns you may want to discuss on our forum.
10 - 50
13 years ago
Program was removed from android market