3D Live Wallpaper Builder FREE
By Orel Eliyahu
FREE Download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=Orel.Eliyahu.lwpCubeBuilderFREE.....
Let your favorite photo become Amazing 3D live wallpaper Cube!
This cool little app will let you place your favorite photos on a rotating 3D cube set as a live wallpaper for your smartphone or tablet. You can choose from any of the photos stored on your SD card or galleries and change them as much as you like. Get your family, friends or even your favorite sports team or scenery pics all moving on the live 3D cube wallpaper for your Android device and have fun with it.
Let your favorite photo become Amazing 3D live wallpaper Cube!
This cool little app will let you place your favorite photos on a rotating 3D cube set as a live wallpaper for your smartphone or tablet. You can choose from any of the photos stored on your SD card or galleries and change them as much as you like. Get your family, friends or even your favorite sports team or scenery pics all moving on the live 3D cube wallpaper for your Android device and have fun with it.
Let your favorite photo become Amazing 3D live wallpaper Cube!
This cool little app will let you place your favorite photos on a rotating 3D cube
This cool little app will let you place your favorite photos on a rotating 3D cube
10 - 50
12 years ago
Program was removed from android market