2012 News

By Cabel Adams

Doing things a bit differently today since there's so much linux news to be shared! So in the FOSS spirit, here's this week in open source. Enjoy! Join the chat: https://plus.google.com/+NixiePixel/

Sources (listed in order of appearance)
- Ubuntu and Amazon Make Uneasy Bedfellows: http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/76282.html

- FOSS' Fight Against China's Free-as-in-Pirated Syndrome : http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/FOSS-Fight-Against-Chinas-Free-as-in-Pirated-Syndrome-76451.html

- Security: It's Not You, Android - It's Your Apps - http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/Its-Not-You-Android---Its-Your-Apps-76454.html
What will happen December 21, 2012? Read updated news articles and look at other evidence inside this app. Want to know how the Mayan indians and the
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