1980s Movies

By IndieQ

Everyone loved robots, and they have been the source of umpteen movies, books, and comics. In homage to the robots of film, we have picked the 10 greatest. This list is restricted entirely to robots in movies - there are no robots here from television. I have also excluded robots that are part of a large group, such as the droid army from Attack of the Clones.

10. Johnny 5 from Short Circuit
9. The Iron Giant from The Iron Giant
8. Mechagodzilla from Godzilla
7. Pris from Bladerunner
6. Terminator from The Terminator
5. Ash from Alien
4. C-3PO and R2-D2 from Star Wars
3. Robby the Robot from Forbidden Planet
2. Gort from the Day the Earth Stood Still
1. False Maria from Metropolis

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for more great lists

(*note i do not claim ownership of any of the movie clips shown)
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