World Wide English


World Wide English is a suite of online English courses focusing on real life communication skills for work, study and life in English-speaking environments. They are aligned to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and the Australian accredited Certificates I, II and III in Spoken and Written English.

This multilevel, multimedia course provides learners with rapid development in the macro skill areas of speaking, listening, reading and writing. Video, listening and reading activities provide models for learners, and are combined with a range of engaging, interactive grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation activities.

Learners write and voice record into the online e-portfolio for their own revision and tutor comments. Online assessment and end of unit tests track and record student scores for all macro language skills.

6 online English courses
• Beginner 1 & 2
• Pre-intermediate 3 & 4
• Intermediate 5 & 6

65 hours per course
Each course includes:
• 15 online units. Over 300 screens of multimedia interactivity
• Student workbook for blended delivery
• 10 mobile app lessons
• Teachers guide

World Wide English online courses are developed by NSW AMES. NSW AMES is an agency of the NSW State Government and is part of the NSW Department of Education and Communities. Established in 1951, NSW AMES has taught English to over 1.5 million people in the classroom, in the workplace, online and via distance education.

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Learn English - the fun way! Watch videos, complete grammar and vocabulary quizzes, then record and practise your speaking.

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10k - 50k
11 years ago