Talking Obama Empty Chair

By i-droid Design

Funny Interactive Obama Empty Chair (made famous by Clint Eastwood) and Obama Soundboard
To download to your phone, click here:

Talk to the Obama Empty Chair made famous by Clint Eastwood at the RNC convention.
Do your best Barack Obama impressions & will repeat what you say in a funny voice!
Poke it in different places, and it will play different Obama soundboards from his most (infamous) speeches!
The Ultimate Obama vs Romney app! Don't forget to vote 2012!

For Fans of Eastwooding, Mitt Romney, empty chair week, the Republican party, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, conservative Talk Radio, or if you just want a good laugh & don't take politics too seriously with a funny interactive talking Obama Sound Board!
Talk to the Obama Empty Chair made famous by Clint Eastwood! RECORD A MESSAGE TO SEND TO YOUR FRIENDS (up to 20 seconds) POST TO FACEBOOK OR
10 - 50
11 years ago
Program was removed from android market